I bought myself a video camera.
I have wanted one since I borrowed Joshua's VHS camera and took several tapes of Dakota age 3 then, now 14. It was like heaven then and it was the size of a toaster. Now my camera is finally here and it is the size of my wallet.
It is very small and wonderful. Robert even gave me a memory card for it. I feel like all I need is a few weeks to learn how to take video's and I will be all set!
I also am finally done with the Pneumonia! The month of August is and has always been my least favorite month. Hot, hot, hot. Long. and hot. I hate hot. I do not have a/c at my house and the one at work doesn't work in my area. Of course it is an Arctic frost maker, but in the front where I sit it is at least 20 degrees hotter than everywhere else in the building. And the Pneumonia has lingered like leprosy or something. Also with it came diarrhea from the antibiotics.
So the month I most dread has morphed into a giant crap festival with a coughing hack on top.
But it is in the past now and I am glad I lived to tell of it.
The Princess will be 5 on Sunday!!
Happy Birthday PPP
I'm very happy that you finally got a video camera. And it's red. So snazzy!