I have been reading Game Of Thrones for 2 weeks.
These are really good books. However, I bought them as an electronic book version so the only place I can read them is on my PC.
The laptop officially belongs to BD, so mine is the desk top edition.
I can't read it anywhere except in my media room in a VERY uncomfortable chair.
Therefore, even though I really like the 2.8 books I have read so far; My bottom and back will forever associate Game Of Thrones with pain.
It is also hot in this room. My roommate used to complain how cold this room was.
If you lit the thing on fire it might be hotter. The vent for the heater got shut and covered when she moved.
Then I moved a fan in there. Now I want to sit around naked with an ice cold drink in there. (Go ahead… scrunch up your face and give a full-body shudder.)It's what I'm doing too.
Anyway the next book I buy will be the paper variety unless I can afford a portable e-reader because this butt even well padded as it is has issues with hard chairs.
And I want mobility in my reading.
And I want freedom to move to a more convenient spot
without children.
Where no one can read over my sholder, hint, hint Brittany.
Even though I should just buy a new computer chair, I still want the book to move with me. Maybe my next giant splurge will be a Kindle or some such device but for now I am NIX on the e reading and back to the paperback.